What to Expect in a Session
If you are new to Energy Healing work with me, here are a few words on what to expect in your first session.
If you’ve never experienced any kind of Energy Healing, it could seem a bit daunting. I thought I’d share a little more about what happens in a typical session, and why energy work is such an effective approach.
How a session is structured
Typically, a healing session begins with some time for talking. If it is your first session, this amount of time may be longer. Why you have come and your goals for the session are discussed. We will explore your health history and other areas of your life that are affecting your well being.
I generally start a session by asking about the challenges you are facing, and what you are hoping to achieve from working with me. Really, intentionality is the key.
My treatment room. I love working here.
I work from home in a purpose built room. During the healing, the client lies fully-clothed on a comfy massage table (and my table is a bit extra-special) – with pillows and covered in a cosy blanket if they wish. It’s important to be comfortable and we can adapt the position to ensure this.
Wear comfortable clothes. Natural materials are best.
An assessment of your energy field is performed using high sense perception, a pendulum and/or my hands. I keep a record of my findings (and what changed during the session).
I then proceed to apply the specific techniques and subtle energy that is needed to balance your system. These are specific healing techniques for each level of the human energy field. I begin at the feet using light touch. I work on and off your physical body moving upwards to your head. I then move to the areas in need of more specific attention and apply various skills appropriate for you at that time. This will be unique for each person
During the session, if it is ok to do so, I use gentle touch on the major joints and energy centres of the body.
There is huge variation in terms of how each individual responds to energy work. It is good to approach this work from an open receptive place.
Expect the Unexpected
Every individual responds differently. One of the reasons I find this work endlessly fascinating. Every session is different.
You may be in for a few surprises in terms of how your body is going to react. For those of you used to Reiki treatments, this form of healing can feel much more intense and powerful.
During the session, your job is to receive and relax as much as possible. Some people find it helpful to pay attention to the breath. Others will fall asleep or enter into a half sleep or alpha state of relaxation.
Blocked energy is released, allowing you to have a fuller and more comprehensive sense of self. I encourage you to soften into transformation and allow the organic process of healing to unfold.
Sessions may last up to 75 minutes. Throughout the entire healing I am present and listening to your energy system and your body's response moment by moment and adjusting the healing very specifically for you.
I work intuitively, using high sense perception. I am also tracking and aware of my own energy system, running it in a very coherent and balanced way for the clear transmission of energy. This is important.
When the session is complete there is time to rest on the table to integrate. While it is understandable that you might have questions after a healing, generally, it is advisable to keep the conversation to a minimum so that the healing can be fully held and integrated. It is good not to jump straight back into the linear mind. Questions may be asked at a later time or at the next session.
My comfy treatment table
Everyone experiences a healing differently. Clients report a wide spectrum of experiences:
I felt as if part of my body was activated, and I didn’t realise it was inactive until that happened.
Sometimes people find the healings to be very relaxing and peaceful.
Sensations of energy moving.
I feel waves passing from one part of my body to another. Occasionally, the wave flows right through me
Sometimes I feel a warmth.. sometimes a burning cold.
Emotional Releases
A wide range of emotions may arise, memories surfacing, insight into the initiating cause of emotional or physical distress.
Seeing colours or vivid images
Spiritual experiences.
Loving communication with relatives.
You will have your own experience.
Your very first session
If this is your very first session, then don't be surprised if things start to come up in the 24 to 48 hours beforehand.
When your body knows it is going to be able to clear its system energetically, it sometimes starts the process a little early.
Physical Symptoms
You may experience the following physical symptoms before, during and after energy healing sessions.
Temperature changes - sometimes heat sometimes cold.
Increased belly sounds - this is really common.
Coughing, burping, passing wind - all methods of release
Increased urination and defacation. Changes in colour,texture and smell - again, it’s all about release.
In extreme shifts, you may find yourself nauseous or vomitting as the energy leaves your system.
Menstrual changes
Why does this happen?
According to holistic and energy teachings, everything that happens or processes in your system needs to happen on all levels of your energy field. The last body to process any energetic change is your physical body.
The old energy and beliefs are expelled from your system using normal excretory channels such as urination, defecation, sweating, menstruation and more.
Drink lots of water
When your body is busy with this last layer of expulsion, it utilises water to flush the toxins from your system. It is important that you drink a lot of water after sessions. It will facilitate shifting more quickly and make it easier on your body.
Chances are very good that you will have emotional purges after some sessions.
Emotions released during and after sessions include anger, pain, frustration, grief. Sometimes these have to come out using your body's natural mechanisms. Sometimes you may feel worse before you feel better.
So, it's normal to cry if there's been pain and especially in the beginning, to feel a bit shaken for a few days after the session. Each session will be different.
If you are working with big stuff then you may require multiple sessions, and it's not uncommon for a big shift to knock you down for a week at first.
Every client that has ever experienced transformative healing under my care has been proactive in moving toward that healing themselves, often working through a 'healing crisis' on many levels.
Leave time for yourself after a session. A period of integration is a necessary part of the process.