How I Work
I specialise in hands-on therapeutic energy work for healing and personal transformation. I am highly trained in multiple energetic healing modalities, somatic bodywork, trauma resolution and integration. I am particularly interested in the interface of ancient spiritual methods and modern science.
I use various hands-on healing techniques, individually tailored to you, to restore your natural energy and balance. It really is amazing work and has been the key to resolving my own health issues. If you are drawn to working in this way, I urge you to try a session.
No particular belief system is required to enjoy the benefits of this kind of therapy. I work with what is happening for you, right here, right now. I’ve written several articles about healing, if you want to know more.
How I can help you
As well as helping those with specific health conditions, such as stress, depression, chronic pain, PTSD, insomnia (and many more), I also see people who are simply looking to refocus their energies or seek a new direction in life.
Through one-to-one sessions using hands-on healing techniques, I can help anyone who is:
Seeking relief from specific conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, insomnia (and many more).
Dealing with difficult emotions - grief, anger, fear, jealousy or blocks to development.
Suffering from chronic fatigue, tiredness or overwhelm. Very low physical energy. A sense of disconnect.
Feeling stuck. Facing a crossroads due to major life changes. Searching for a new direction in life - Reconnecting to Creative Process.
Needing to resolve difficult relationships and family issues - Releasing unhealthy emotional attachments. Creating boundaries.
Letting go of past and negative events that have shaped their life PTSD, trauma resolution.
Looking for complementary therapies to supplement conventional treatment.
Navigating spiritual awakening - spiritual emergency. Weird stuff. Psychic openings.
Seeking more in their life - increased sense of self-worth, joy and abundance.
I have over 20 years experience in working with people with complex physical, mental & emotional health issues.
Over the past decade, I have been drawn to the bigger picture and how this links to spiritual health.
Energy work is a holistic approach, particularly effective for relieving chronic conditions - chronic pain and auto-immune conditions where conventional allopathic treatment is often found lacking.
Techniques I am using include:
Relational cord healing
Chakra restructuring
Organ restructuring
Astral work
Hara healing
Sessions available:
Monday - Friday
8AM - 8PM
90 MINUTES £75 •single session
4 SESSIONS • £240
6 SESSIONS • £360
8 SESSIONS • £480
All packages include an initial 90 min session, follow-up sessions are 75 min.
Save 20% by buying a package
Call now on 07980 300803 to make a booking
“Future medicine is the medicine of frequency”
I support clients in releasing old patterns and initiating positive changes in their lives.
I help people re-calibrate their systems to achieve better health and new levels of vitality.
Energy Healing works to reconnect you to the creative energies at the core of your being.
“Healing in its deepest sense is to be with a human being in complete spacious openness, and in that space something changes, something happens within.”
My Therapy Room