A bit about me
I was born sensitive. As a child I was very shy. I was confused about the nature of reality and how to be on the Earth. I used to suffer from terrible nightmares and be scared of going to sleep. I shut all of it down in childhood and learned the magic trick of dissociating, really from everything. I was pretty sure I did not exist.
The realm of the rational intellect seemed a good place to hang out. I was interested in truth and the nature of the world and the big existential questions. I was a high achiever at school, but didn’t really see the point of it all. I lived life as an observer rather than a participant.
My background is in academia. I trained as a research scientist - what better place to hide. I started a PhD focusing on human thermoregulation, but ended up leaving it and working with people with high level spinal injuries. I learned that life can change in an instant. Health is precious. I have worked with disabled people for most of my adult life.
I’ve been training in various forms of Energy Healing since an awakening experience in 2012, during a meditation retreat. I have a burning compulsion to learn about the nature of reality. I have trained with various individuals and organisations.
My main practice is based on the work of author and physicist Barbara Brennan. She bridges the worlds of physics, psychoanalysis and spirituality and uses lots of models. I love models.
Studying Brennan introduced me to the idea of Reichian character defences and really this was a big moment. It provided a key to unlocking myself. I gained more understanding of my own defence mechanisms. And began the painful and beautiful process of unravelling myself.
I realised I wasn’t in my body. I had no idea what grounding was. I sought help from hypnotherapists, psychoanalysts, bodyworkers and reading lots of books (of course). Energy healing, specifically working with Hara, was the thing that actually worked.
With the help of some excellent therapists and teachers I have transformed myself. It is an ongoing journey and it is important to note - we don’t do this stuff alone. Process work - some of it cathartic, some of it gentle. Developing awareness. Developing High Sense Perception. Becoming incarnated.
Life is an interesting evolution of one thing leading into another that takes us in unexpected directions. I opened my practice ‘Luminous Egg’ in 2018. I love this work and feel like I’ve found my purpose. It is an honour to share this with others.
All of these life experiences have shaped me. I am not my story.
I bring to my healing sessions a combination of excellent training, real life experience, hard-earned wisdom, love, compassion, humour and solid grounding in a relaxed environment infused with good vibes.
The ability to bridge worlds
A desire to help people. non-judgemental. calm
The ability to put clients at ease
Excellent listening and communication skills
Understanding and sensitivity
A respect for clients’ privacy