What is Energy Healing?
“I am more than my physical body”
Energy Healing is a holistic approach, recognising that all aspects of the self are linked, and that it is necessary to treat the whole person to bring about deep healing on all levels.
Healing is an ancient art. For centuries, various forms of energy healing have been practised by cultures around the globe.
The general definition of ‘energy’ across the board, is the power to do work or transform.
‘Healing’ means to make whole - by establishing, enhancing or restoring balance.
Frequencies and Vibrations
From a healer’s perspective everything is comprised of energy or consciousness. Human beings consist of networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical/cellular systems.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Your health, mental and wellbeing depends on the flow and balance of the energy fields in and around your body. Healing is the process of optimising this flow for optimum physical, mental and emotional health.
Cause v’s Symptoms
Healing is a holistic modality, seeking to find the root cause of a problem - to trace the cause of physical and emotional suffering through the Human Energy Field to its roots deep within the psyche. A healer works to redress distortions in the choreography of energies that comprise us.
A Tantrik perspective defines the subtle energy body as the psyche as it interpenetrates the physical body - the mental-emotional body aka the somatic psyche.
In the case of chronic symptoms and disease, it is often about ‘digestion’ of unresolved experiences on the physical, energetic and deep emotional levels.
Elemental Balance
Perfect Health is a dynamic interplay. Healing through the human energy field rebalances or re-aligns any disruptions in energy flow to invite the body’s own healing systems to bring health.
As a healer, I am concerned with the underlying balance of energy, intention and consciousness that support health, or become unbalanced and allow for disease.
During a session, I clear, charge, balance and restructure the patient’s energy system. Healing through the human energy field naturally realigns any disruptions in energy flow, inviting the body’s own healing systems to bring health.
“It is to our detriment that we live in a culture that does not honour the internal world. In may cultures the internal world of feelings, dreams, images and sensations is sacred.”
Bio-field imaging at The Monroe Institute
I help clients open a pathway to the deeper creative energies of their core being, from which they create their experiences of reality.
Energy healing empowers you to be in-touch with your body, so you understand your triggers. I help equip you with the tools to face those triggers in the moment— to bring yourself back into alignment.
We are all interconnected, interdependent & interreliable. Healing is about reconnection to life, to the elements, to every arena of life, being in right-relationship within the greater matrix.
Having someone who connects with you from a place of deep human presence can simply be a catalyst for you to connect to your own inner resources; I posit that that’s what all great teachers, counsellors, and anyone who authentically undertakes healing work does.
Ideally, my clients develop that ability to access those inner resources and do the work themselves. But I also posit that western culture that idolises self-sufficiency, is informing the dialogue around this more than it should. Is there something inherently wrong with interdependence? Is there really no acknowledgement of the magic that happens when connection to another human being occurs?
“Healing in its deepest sense is to be with a human being in complete spacious openness and in that space something changes, something happens within”
But in the end, we can only provide the individual with the right guidance toward the inner and outer conditions that set the stage for true healing to take place.
Ultimately, healing is a return to the intimate connection with essence both within ourselves and within others.
Research by the HeartMath Institute has looked at the phenomenon of ‘entrainment‘ -whereby one person’s electromagnetic field affects another’s, causing it to fall into the same pattern. Essentially, this is what is happening in a Healing session.
Body Wisdom
Your body is full of wisdom. Often (not always), illness or dis-ease is a warning sign, or is telling your something. Inquire into the natural wisdom of the body to find out what it is, perhaps with the help of a skilled healer. Of course, these services should complement (not replace) your medical doctor.